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Tier 2 Visa Intra-Company Transfer

A Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer Visa (ICT) allows a candidate to transfer to the UK from an overseas branch of a UK company in order to undertake work on a specific project. The Intra Company Transfer category places strong emphasis on the employer being able to demonstrate that the salary for the role is appropriate and that no UK resident worker can fill the position.

The ICT category has been split into two subcategories – ‘short-term’ and ‘long-term’. The assessment criteria below apply to migrants making their initial application under one of the subcategories. A summary of each of the subcategories is provided in the table below the following Tier 2 Intra Company Transfer points information.

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Tier 2 ICT Points Assessment

To make an application under any of the ICT subcategories you must satisfy the points assessment by achieving a minimum score of 60 points across the following criteria:


  • Certificate of Sponsorship – 30 points

Appropriate salary

  • 20 points


  • 10 points

To achieve the maintenance requirements you must show evidence that you have available funds of £800 which have been in your bank account for at least 3 months prior to the application being made.

Alternatively, if your potential employer is an A-rated sponsor they can provide you with a letter that will cover you for meeting the maintenance requirements.

Summary – Intra Company Transfer Subcategories

StageShort-term ICTLong-term ICT
Entry clearanceMust be paid over £24k;No more than 40% of the salary package may be comprised of accommodation allowances (as now);Must meet points test (details above).Must be paid over £40k;No more than 30% of the salary package may be comprised of accommodation allowances (as now);Must meet points test (details above).
Initial grant of leaveUp to12 months, multiple-entry.Up to 3 years, multiple-entry.
At end of that periodMust leave the UK, cannot extend beyond a total of 12 months stay in the UK.May extend for a further two yearsAfter five years they cannot extend and must leave the UK.
Returning to the UK as an ICTNot as short-term ICT within 12 months of expiry of last leave as an ICT.If salary increased above £40k during period of leave as short-term ICT, cannot extend but can apply out of country to return as long-term ICT.Not as an ICT within 12 months of expiry of last period of leave as an ICT.
Switching in to Tier 2 GeneralNoNo

Spouses and Dependents

Intra Company Transfers visas can lead to Indefinite Leave to Remain. The category also makes provision for the spouses and civil or unmarried partners of the applicant and any dependent children to immigrate to the UK at the same time as the main ICT visa applicant.

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